Q Pest Control Services WLL


What are Ticks?

Ticks are parasitic bugs that attach to your skin and feed on your blood. Ticks adhere to you by making a wound on your skin and inserting a feeding tube into it. Ticks may cling to you for a lengthy amount of time if they latch on. These parasites can stay on your skin for up to two weeks. When the tick is full, it will naturally fall off your skin. Ticks are harmful pests because they may transmit deadly illnesses to people. The symptoms of these disorders can range from minor (irritated skin) to severe (high fever and edema).

Types of Ticks

There are approximately 850 different tick species around the world

Risks Associated with Ticks

Disease Carriers

Diseases known to be transmitted by ticks include Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Colorado tick fever, and babesiosis to name a few.

Lyme Disease Carriers

If left untreated, Lyme disease may spread throughout the body, and victims may experience lesions, Bell’s palsy, irregular heartbeat, and more.

Potential Harm to Pets

Dogs and cats can get Lyme disease, and they can also carry infected ticks into homes or yards, where they can then bite humans.

A pest free home is a happy home

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"Simple, Reliable, Affordable"

What QPCS does

Tick prevention entails a mix of outside care, personal protection, and intervention or advice from a tick control professional. Ticks flourish in densely forested environments. Cutting down overgrown plants around your home or business might assist with tick control. QPCS provides specialized treatment aimed to manage and prevent Ticks from infiltrating your home or company. Our use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies focuses on locating and controlling ticks at their source. Pest control products are selected and administered in a way that minimizes dangers to human health, pets, and the environment through IPM.

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