Q Pest Control Services WLL


What are Spiders?

Despite being almost minuscule, spider mites can be harmful because of their small size. While not particularly harmful to people, they can wreak havoc on plant life, especially for those who maintain large plant collections or companies that run greenhouses or gardens. Damage from spider mites typically appears as light-coloured spots or flecks on plant leaves. At first glance, they might seem inconsequential, but they are early warning signs of a pest that can seriously harm or even kill your plants.  As arachnids, spider mites usually resist common bug remedies and need greater skill.

Types of Spiders

As of now, 50,356 spider species in 132 families have been recorded by taxonomists.

Risks Associated with Spiders

Venomous Species of Spiders

Two species of venomous and dangerous spiders are the black widow spider and the brown recluse spider.

Spider Bites

Spider bites can cause varying degrees of reactions (depending on the species), from triggering allergic reactions to even more serious consequences.

Fear of Spiders

Spiders aren’t a fun pest to encounter, and members of your household may have arachnophobia, which is an extreme fear of spiders.

Spider Infestations

If left unchecked, spiders may multiply at a quick rate, leading to a spider infestation.

A pest free home is a happy home

We make it happen!

"Simple, Reliable, Affordable"

What QPCS does

To successfully and efficiently control and prevent mites from infiltrating your home or place of business, QPCS offers skilled treatment. Finding the root of the pest problem and eliminating mites from it are the main goals of our usage of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies. IPM involves choosing and using pest management methods that provide the fewest dangers to the environment, people’s pets, and the ecosystem itself.

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