Q Pest Control Services WLL


What are Rats?

Mice are little rodents that are found all over the world. Though there are several mouse species, the most typical ones discovered in your home or company in this area are house mice, field mice, or white-footed mice. The sort of mouse infestation you have largely depends on where you live or work. If your property is in a location with more open space, such as near a barn or shed, field mice are more likely to have infiltrated your house or workplace. Mice breed quickly, therefore it’s critical to manage the infestation and get rid of mice as soon as possible. Mice are smaller than rats and have shorter, thinner tails and bigger ears.

Types of Rodents

Rodents are the largest order of mammals. With over 2000 living species placed in about 30 families.

Risks Associated with Rodents

Numerous Diseases and Allergens

Rodents can cause a number of diseases transmitted directly from exposure to rat-infected faeces, urine, or bites. They can also contaminate your food.

Rodent Bites

When cornered, rats will bite to defend themselves. The saliva of some species can carry hazardous diseases, such as Leptospirosis and Hantavirus.

Rodent Infestation

Rodents multiply swiftly, and infestations require professional pest control. Left unattended, they may cause extensive damage to the home and yard.

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