Q Pest Control Services WLL


What are Moths?

Moths are little flying insects that may be found all over the world. The pantry moth (Plodia interpunctella), often known as the Indianmeal moth, can bite through plastic and cardboard to reach human food. Pantry and textile moths are often brought into a house or company by a contaminated item. It might be a garment or a food item where eggs, larvae, or adults are already nesting. Home treatments for moth management are impossible to use once moths have been introduced into your surroundings.

Types of Moths

Moths are a group of insects that includes all members of the order Lepidoptera that are not butterflies.

Risks Associated with Moths

Clothing Damage

The webbing clothes moth consumes wool, fur, silk, and hair, and can decimate entire wardrobes, as well as the bedding and furniture of affected homes.

Pantry Moths

Signs of pantry moths include disturbed packaging, along with an unpleasant odour and sticky secretions that cause food to clump together.

Moth Infestation

When moths invade your pantry or closet, they won’t think twice about decimating your clothing and stored food.

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What QPCS does

Moth prevention is the greatest technique to ensure that moths do not harm your clothing or pantry items.  Clothing moths feed on the organic substance left on fabric, thus it’s critical to wash and dry all of these goods before keeping them. Check these items on a regular basis to verify that no moths, larvae, or eggs are present. QPCS provides specialized treatment aimed to manage and prevent pests from infiltrating your home or company. Our usage of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies focuses on locating the cause of the pest problem and controlling Moths.

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