Q Pest Control Services WLL


What are Crickets?

Crickets are insects that can live above ground in nearby plants or below ground in your lawns and gardens. Although there are more than 900 different species of crickets, only a few of them live in Doha, Qatar and the Middle East Region. Field crickets, House crickets and Camel crickets are the most prevalent species of crickets in and around homes and businesses in this region. According to exterminators, camel cricket, which is native to Asia and is the most prevalent indoor cricket, dwells beneath the surface of your home’s or company’s lawn.

Types of Crickets

Scientists have found and characterized more than 900 different species of crickets, which are insects that are distantly related to grasshoppers.

Risks Associated with Crickets

Restless Evenings

Crickets are nocturnal and chirp to each
other throughout the night without any regard for your sleep schedule.

Crickets Eat Through Fabric

Crickets enjoy fabric that’s been soiled by food or perspiration, so laundry is fair game. They’re also fans of cotton, silk, wool, linen, and furs.

Cricket Bites

Jerusalem Crickets, also commonly called potato bugs, may bite if they feel
threatened. Bites may result in moderate yet short-lived pain.

A pest free home is a happy home

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"Trust us, No Pest"

What QPCS does

While there are some unproven home treatments for cricket avoidance, it is always advisable to seek the opinion of a pest management specialist. Home cures frequently have detrimental effects on other species, can cause more damage to your plants than the pest, and may be toxic to humans.

QPCS provides specialized treatment aimed at managing and prevent pests from infiltrating your home or company. Our use of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies focuses on locating and controlling Crickets at their source. Pest control products are selected and administered in a way that minimizes dangers to human health, pets, and the environment through IPM.

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