Q Pest Control Services WLL

Clover Mites

What are Clover Mites?

Clover mites are still quite small, measuring typically less than a millimetre. Clover mites are an asexually reproducing parthenogenesis species, and females can lay up to 70 eggs in a single clutch. In the winter and during particularly humid conditions, they are more likely to invade dwellings. Although they are not very threatening to people, they can be early signs of more serious issues that could affect your home’s capacity to keep out more dangerous pests. Despite the blood-sucking propensities of other mites, they are also notorious for leaving red splotches when killed, even if they are not human blood.

Clover Mites

The clover mite is a tiny relative of spiders and ticks.

Risks Associated with Clover Mites


Scabies is an infestation of the skin caused by the human itch mite. You’ll develop rashes and experience intense itching that worsens in the evening.

Allergic Reactions from Dust Mites

Dust mite cast skins, feces, and other bodily secretions are just some of the 20-plus dust mite-associated allergens generated by these critters.

Lawn and Gardens

Well-fertilized lawns may attract clover mites when their plant-based foods are minimal or when other conditions encourage them to move indoors.

A pest free home is a happy home

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"Simple, Reliable, Affordable"

What QPCS does

To successfully and efficiently control and prevent mites from infiltrating your home or place of business, QPCS offers skilled treatment. Finding the root of the pest problem and eliminating mites from it are the main goals of our usage of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies. IPM involves choosing and using pest management methods that provide the fewest dangers to the environment, people’s pets, and the ecosystem itself.

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