Q Pest Control Services WLL

Carpenter Bees

What are Carpenter Bees?

Carpenter bees are a huge bee species that may be found all over the world. This large black bee resembles bumblebees but may be distinguished when the distinctions between the two are understood. The female is capable of stinging people, but only if provoked. The male carpenter bee lacks a stinger and hence does not constitute a threat. Carpenter bee females drill holes into wood to establish nests and lay eggs. This results in circular holes in the wood, which may be found in a variety of places around your house or company, such as siding, fences, trees, lawn furniture, and swing sets.

Type of Bees

There are roughly 15,000 recognized species of ants in the world

Risks Associated with Carpenter Bees

Painful Stings

When wasps, yellow jackets, bees, and hornets feel threatened, they’re known to sting. The stings are painful and may cause a mild or severe reaction.

Property Damage

Non-stinging carpenter bees will excavate tunnels to use as nests. They make themselves at home in decks, siding, porches, and eaves.

Allergic Reactions

Depending on the person and their allergies, they may develop mild to deadly allergic reactions to stinging insects after being stung.


When stinging pests swarm, the result is a mass of flying pests that are ready to protect their home at all costs.

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