Q Pest Control Services WLL


Which Birds are Considered Pests?

There are approximately 1,000 bird species globally, but just a few live in Middle Eastern nations. While most birds are highly prized by bird-watching lovers and conservation efforts, several species are considered nuisance birds due to their destructive influence on property and local ecosystems across the world. Many migrating birds are protected across the country by municipal legislation. However, most birds consider pests to be invasive species. These pest birds are the most common subjects of our bird control services.

Type of Pest Birds

Pigeon’s droppings and nests are of medical concern because they have over 50 diseases associated with them.

Risks Associated with Pest Birds

Property Damage

Larger birds such as pigeons can dislodge roof tiles. Bird droppings corrode stone, metal, paintwork, and other building materials, which bird gaining access to roof space can damage insulation. They make themselves at home in window sides, sliding, porches and eaves. 

Allergic Reactions

If you have pest birds in your household you may complain of respiratory symptoms such as sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, cough wheezing, shortness of breath and skin reactions such as itching, rashes, and skin redness can occur. 


Bird droppings also contain various organism and insects that can be a problem for those that come in direct contact. Breathing dust or water droplets contain contaminated bird droppings can lead to several diseases. 

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