Q Pest Control Services WLL


What are Bees?

Bees are winged stinging insects closely related to wasps and ants, known for their roles in pollination and, in the case of the best-known bee species, the western honey bee, for producing honey. Bees are small insects with six legs and two pairs of wings. Most of the time, we picture bees as striped yellow and black with hairy bodies, but plenty of bee species look quite different.

Type of Bees

Honey bees and bumble bees are the most prevalent social bees. Numerous plants depend on honey bee pollination, which is crucial for the growth of agricultural crops.

Risks Associated with Bees

Painful Stings

When Bees, Wasps, Yellow jackets and Hornets feel threatened they’re known to sting. The stings are painful and may cause a mild or serve reaction

Property Damage

Non-stinging carpenter bees will excavate tunnels to use as nests. They make themselves at home in decks, siding, porches and eaves.

Allergic Reactions

Depending on the person and their allergies, they may develop mid to deadly allergic reaction to stinging insects after being stung.


When stinging pets swarms, the result is a mass of flying pests that are ready to protect their home at all costs. 

A pest free home is a happy home

We make it happen!

"Trust us, No Pest"

What QPCS does

If you discover a stinging insect nest on your property, removing it safely and entirely can be tough. It is critical to consult with a stinging insect identification specialist to decide the best course of therapy. Our experts can do an examination and provide a customized plan of action to help you remove your stinging pest problem.

Once the nest has been located, a QPCS specialist may give stinging pest treatment and assist in resolving the matter. To assist in preventing new stingers from showing up and coming in, our specialists will examine for circumstances that favour stinging insects, treat present infestations, and destroy any nests.

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