Q Pest Control Services WLL

Bed bugs

What are Bed bugs?

Bed bugs are little insects with brown bodies and darker heads that are about 1/4 inch in diameter. These pests feast on human and animal blood. People frequently have bed bugs and are unaware of them. Because these insects are so few, individuals frequently attribute itching, allergies, sleeping issues, and other symptoms to something else.

Type of Bed Bugs

Only four of the approximately 90 known species of bed bugs that exist in the globe feed on human blood, which is fortunate for humans. Only two of those four enjoy human blood.

Risks Associated with Bedbugs

Skin Infections

You may develop itchy, red welts, or swelling the day or two after due to the bed bug bites. Scratching the bites may lead to secondary infection. 

Allergic Reaction

Bed bug bites can cause some people to have allergic reactions that require medical attention. 

Anxiety + Insomnia

If you’re worried about bedtime with bed bugs, you’re probably not getting much sleep. Anxious restless night can affect your everyday life. 

Fast-Paced Reproduction

Bed bugs multiply very quickly. In fact, female bed bugs lay 1 to 5 eggs each day and lie up to 500 eggs within a lifetime. 

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