Q Pest Control Services WLL (QPCS) is one of Qatar’s leading professional pest management companies, providing comprehensive pest control solutions to the Commercial, Industrial, Healthcare, Hospitality, Relators, and Residential sectors while employing public health pesticides which are endorsed for pest control.
Once thought unjustified, our primary goal was to make the professional pest extermination industry relevant again and be the best. As previously stated, it was difficult because everyone believes that pest control consists of spraying pesticides or storing baits somewhere and then discontinuing the program. We needed to highlight our trained experts who identify potential risk signs, provide helpful solutions and tips, and educate the public about potential hazards and harm. We demonstrated that successful insect control requires long-term communication, inspection, monitoring, and ongoing collaboration.
Our methodology of identifying the root cause of pest infestation rather than simply providing pest control has been praised throughout the Qatari industry and with our clients. Our entire service protocol is based on three core IPM concepts: Inspection, Problem-solving, and Effective communication.
QPCS’s market dominance is based on technical excellence and service reliability. To maintain our market leadership, we ensure these values are embedded in our culture and provide efficient solutions to keep our customers running.
Our success has primarily been attributed to our customer-focused Technical and Support teams, always ready to respond to our customers’ needs. Our service starts with a thorough inspection of the property by our Technical team, experts in insect identification, problem-solving, and advanced treatment procedures. Our Technician provides a report detailing the areas treated and noted infestations, in addition to the action taken and pesticides used, at the final moment of each visit.
Everyone at QPCS, from Support Personnel in the field to Moderate and Senior Leadership in the office, is devoted to improving the quality of services offered to the public and providing the same most safe and efficient treatment for pest management that poses a threat to their health, property, and the environment.